Gold Level

— $5000


  • Sponsor Status of Gold Sponsor across all pre-event marketing
  • Logo on Sponsors Page in Gold category linked to Company Page on SearchCon website
  • Company Page on SearchCon website with information:
    • SEO linked logo and company name on SearchCon Company’s Page to Company’s website
    • Brief description of Company (~100 words)
    • Company Phone number, Email and Mailing addresses
    • Social Media links for Company
    • Sponsor Representative(s) photo and name (with link to Profile page), if attending conference
  • Announcement of sponsorship on SearchCon social profiles with a link to company website
  • THREE dedicated posts on social media pages prior to event
  • Inclusion in Press Release


  • Free conference pass for TWO company representatives
  • Company banner displayed in conference room
  • Screen saver rotation with logo at all sessions
  • Company branding on conference marketing materials
  • Opportunity to directly communicate brand with attendees through door prizes and discounts to company’s services
  • Opportunity to be title host of Networking Happy Hour (this is first come first serve, as there are only two)
  • ONE dedicated social media posts per day of conference (total of four)


  • Delegate list supplied one week after the event in electronic format (Name, Company, Job Title, E-mail Address, Phone)
  • Inclusion in post event Press Release
  • ONE dedicated social media post recapping brand involvement in SearchCon
  • Logo on Sponsor Page and individual Company Page (with information/links) will remain on SearchCon website until 4 months before next SearchCon conference